May 13, 2011

Project Update 051311

Good progress has continued to be made this week. Mainline has continued to be installed and the quality of the installation and clean-up has remained great.

On Tuesday, IGM and Nutt Irrigation staff met with the system designer Tony Altum to complete a review of the progress. His report is provided below.

A.S. Altum and Associates

10311 Towne Road
Carmel, Indiana  46032
(317) 876-3520 Phone
(317) 876-3521 Fax
Home Office


REP:  Tony Altum                            

PROJECT: Brays Island

STAKING VISIT NO: 1                               DATE(S): May 10, 2011

INSTALLATION PROGRESS: Installation is well on the way with main line complete on holes 12-18. The sod is not being cut with the final grade being tamped and leveled for the grass to grow back on its own. The restoration looks good. Joe from Nutt and I looked at the temporary tie in on the existing system. The decision was to take the planned 12” line in HDPE past the existing 10” PVC line and make a temporary tie in so that either the new system or the existing system could be utilized all the way till the end of the project. The grounding for the IC system is being looped up at each valve location and the grounding set. The grounding should not be attached to the control cable till each location is tested and approved for the minimum requirement for the OHMS test.

STAKING: Staking was put off till around the week of June 13th. It was agreed upon to keep installing main line piping because of the lack of disturbance to the existing irrigation system. Once the main line is in, the IC system allows for the ability to install any hole at a time as long as the connection to the central is non-interrupted. The staking is planned as  holes per visit as to minimize expense. As each hole is laid out and GPS’d, as stakes will be provided and once installed, IC codes will be provided to Altum for final programming. The hydraulic tree is being constructed at Altum office and will be ready for quick turn around via the internet for operation from the central.


OTHER ITEMS: There was some discussion regarding relocation of the central control system to the club house or pro shop area. The location was reviewed and found no real good climate controlled area to set it up in. Research was done as to relocation because of the cost associated with the lack of radio connection with the central control and the far side of the course. This was done by a site survey from Rain Bird. The conclusion was that it was best to install a repeater at the club house and keep the central controls at the maintenance location. Tyler will research the additional cost of the repeater and to see if some of the costs can be offset by the existing MIM no longer required at the old central.

There was also a discussion as to the priority in installation of the holes. Holes 15 and 16 are non-operational to Jeff as of now and therefore the construction and pulling of the pipe will commence there. There are 4 separate hydraulic pipe routings that maintain the existing system. To keep the existing system operational, the progression of the installation of holes must start at the end of the hydraulic pipe and work backwards to the start of each run. This will allow for each hole or holes to be shut down completely while installing. It was also agreed upon to install entire holes if the down time was a minimum of 3 days per hole and if not possible to install greens and tees first if a hole or holes would be down for more than 3 days.


ESTIMATED INSTALLATION PROGRESS: The Main line and wire routes and bores should be completed by the second week in June.

NEXT SITE VISIT: Week of June 13th to stake first 6 holes.